February 13, 2012

Our Love Story: Survey

There's this linky party going on over at Mrs. to Mama in honor of Valentine's Day. Since Jeremy and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day, I figured this would be a fun way to kinda take part without really taking part. (I expect flowers and chocolate a lot more than one day a year. Ha!)

How long have you and your significant other been together? 
We've been together since college. We dated my freshmen year, his sophomore, broke up six months in and then picked back up about two years later and have been together ever since.  

How did you meet?
We met in high school. I was really good friends with his sister. One night, I spent the night with her and noticed him for the first time. I took a picture of his leg that night. I still have it.
How long have you been married?
4 and a half years. We married on July 7, 2007 at 7 p.m. Cliche?? Yup. It was my mom's idea and Jeremy didn't want to ever forget the date. I just went with it. But seriously, never marry in the South in July. It's tortuously hot. You should also avoid August.

Where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
We were married in our hometown, Thomasville, GA. It was an average size wedding.
Do you have any nicknames that you call one another?
Oh man. I don't think we've ever shared this. Jeremy calls me Nader. The story goes that we used to try to come up with the most annoying pet names ever to call each other. So Nader was once Pumpkin that turned into the Pumpkin-nader (like a superhero of sorts) which was shortened to simply Nader. It's so southern. So not me. But one that I wouldn't trade for anything. I love it. I call him Turtle because he has the tendency to move at a really, really slow pace. When I am mad, turtle becomes Tortoise.

Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
I love his ability to make me see outside of myself. He stretches me each and every day. I love that he can make me laugh at any given moment. I love that he cares for Bradley and I so well with such love, grace, and purpose. We are really blessed by him.

Tell us how he proposed?
I was out with some friends. We had dinner and then went to see a play. When we were done, we went back to our place to watch a movie. I walked in to the apartment where a pointy stick hung from the ceiling with instructions that I was to pop every balloon in the living room. Now, I am terrified of popping balloons. And popping 100 balloons with all your stuff inside of them is very painful. But one balloon made it all worth it when my engagement ring fell and Jeremy got on one knee and asked if I would marry him.

Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Did you know that flowers are half off the day after Valentine's?? Yeah, that's our kind of thing.

Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I love just hanging on the couch and snuggling.

Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day.
I'd like to tour Europe. Take a month or two off work and just see it all. We are of the mentality of "do it big or go home."

Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
We really don't plan anything for V-Day. We might watch a movie and do a little necking and exchange love notes. Other than that, we will probably be in bed by 10 p.m.

Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?

Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Commit to work at it each and every day. We are in this until we die so we might as well work at it and make it fun. And communicate, communicate, communicate. Especially when you have kids. I probably communicate more with Jeremy after B then before. It's so crucial to our every day functioning as a collective unit. 

Show us a picture of what love means to you.

photo credit: {two} chics photography

1 comment:

Melanie Mueller said...

That is such a great proposal story!! You have an adorable family!!