February 21, 2014

Playing catch up: Madelyn's Nursery

I love nurseries. They are so calming and peaceful and full of joy. Don't you think?

For Madelyn's, I decided I wanted to have a semi-Mary Poppins thing going on. I knew I needed to incorporate some of B's colors from his nursery (we definitely reused his bumper, chair, and skirt!) and would have to be creative with some furniture we already had.

Of course, I had to make a sign similar to Bradley's for our hospital room door. Funny story, though. The hospital was so over packed when I gave birth that they stuck us in the last room available. It was the size of a closet and had no hook on the door. Ha!

I found some great poster prints on Etsy. The one on the right says, "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".

Don't you just love these wires for kid's artwork?? We have four of them in our house. This is all B's artwork from school this past Fall. He decided he wanted Baby to look at it all.

The penguin is awesome. It's Melissa and Doug. Every child who comes into my house will inevitably find the penguin and take it with them to play elsewhere. It's uncanny. The rug is pretty great too. It's an IKEA.

PS See how tall Miss M is?? This was taken this morning and this crib goes no lower. She better get her walking together because I'm afraid she's going to need to be moved to toddler bed sooner than B.

This mobile is sweet. We actually got it as a gift from Jeremy's aunt for Bradley. However, we couldn't really use it in any of his spaces. It goes wonderfully with Madelyn's nursery. Feed the birds is one of those eerie, but beautiful songs from Mary Poppins, right?

That print is my favorite from the posters I got on Etsy. The curtains are IKEA and I actually hacked them. It was a fun little afternoon project. :)

The dresser is my childhood dresser. It's so heavy and large and well made; we are never moving it from this spot.

The carousel scene in Mary Poppins is my favorite. It was always so colorful and fun. It also reminded me of the ones at my Grandmother's house that I would admire every visit. My Grandmother passed away two years ago and I knew that when I chose this theme I wanted to add one of her carousel's to the decor. I was beyond touched and excited when my Grandpa surprised me and mailed this one plus two more of hers for me to use. These bring back many great memories. I feel so honored to have them displayed in my home.

This print is fun. I had to show it. Let's go fly a kite!!

A friend of mine is a great graphic designer and an even better person to know. She's so sweet. She did the artwork above for me as a baby gift. My prayer is that Madelyn always knows who she is in Christ. I pray struggles over her view of self are so small compared to her constant reminders of the promises of who she truly is in the eyes of her Creator.

Remember the chest my dad did for Bradley?  Check out Madelyn's! It's gorgeous. The lid has a device that prevents it from being slammed on small fingers. This has been extremely useful with a big brother around. :)

Speaking of which - there he is! :)

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